Social Media Trends for 2018 and 2019 and Beyond

With social media serving as a regular part of many people’s lives, it is rapidly becoming a prime place for companies to develop marketing strategies. To help your business take your social media presence to the next level, these are some of the top social media trends to take advantage of for 2018 and 2019 and beyond.

1. The Value of Influencer Marketing Is Increasing

Influencer marketing has continued to grow over the past few years, and it’s here to stay. The value of these social media influencers has increased, meaning they can bring better engagement with your business. To make the most of influencers, focus on developing  meaningful partnership that not only benefit your brand but your influencers as well.

2. Augmented Reality

Many social media platforms, such as Snapchat and Instagram filters, are taking advantage of augmented reality to better engage their users. AR-related content in your business’s social media efforts can create even more personalized interactions, even if it’s something as simple as a geofilter when someone visits your business.

3. Influencer Integration

Influencers come in three major categories: mega-,macro-, and micro-influencers. To better reach your business’s marketing goals, you’ll want to combine all levels of influencers and other types of word of mouth strategies. This approach will help you go beyond simple promotion and create an experience for your audience. Be aware that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been introducing stricter rules about when influencers and companies need to disclose their paid endorsements. Review FTC regulations carefully and follow them when working with influencers.

4. Video

Video can capture an audience’s attention in ways that text and still images cannot. Short video formats in the form of stories and live video streams are both excellent ways to better engage your audience through social media. With so many different video formats, you can develop a strategy that fits your business needs.

By staying aware of these trends, your social media strategy can be ready for the rest of 2018 and whatever awaits in the new year.

Sources: and 

Download my free guide on 5 Things to Do Before Hiring an Influencer.

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About Susana Yee

Susana Yee is a marketing expert and a pioneer in the field of social media and influencer marketing. Her Guess “Color Me Inspired” campaign went viral and Mashable named it one of “5 Interesting Pinterest Marketing Campaigns.” Susana was featured as a social media pioneer for 2011 as part of eHow 100 on Shift Showcases Real Women Moving from Information to Influence, Driving Change in Their Lives and the World, Influencing and Educating Other Women which was also featured on Bloomberg andBusiness Wire. Recently Susana was featured on Thinkific sharing her knowledge about working with influencers in the guide How To Create An Influencer Marketing Strategy to Sell Online Courses by Elise Asanias.

Find additional podcasts and mentions of Susana Yee here.

Susana is a featured expert with the Atheneum Collective