Why Does a Business Need a Podcast

Top 10 Reasons a Consumer Business Needs a Podcast

There are numerous ways to promote a business in today’s digital world. Announcing product launches on social media platforms is a good way to do this. Establishing a website and blogging about the consumer business is another suggestion that draws in potential clients.

Then there’s podcasting. Though it seems like everyone has a podcast it’s still a small enough market to draw in new listeners. This includes those that want to learn more about the business. However, it has to be done with the proper considerations. 

Here are the top 10 reasons a consumer business needs a podcast.

1. It Adds Another Layer Of Promotion

One of the reasons to have a podcast is it adds another layer of promotion to your organization. Blogs and social media only do so much to draw in potential customers. Yet, a podcast seems to bring in more due to the subjects addressed, the host, or potential guests.

2. It Helps Advance The Company’s Expertise.

Another of the top 10 reasons a consumer business needs a podcast is to display its subject matter expertise. Normally, someone starts a company because they have an idea and the knowledge to make it happen. In turn, they have the capacity to pass on that information to listeners.

3. Low Overhead To Enter The Medium

Podcasts for business entities don’t take much to make happen. A solid USB-based microphone hooked up to a computer gives discussions and interviews a professional quality. Additionally, there are several free audio editor applications available to remove the pregnant pauses and umms to make the recording an easy listen.

On top of this, there are plenty of places where the podcast could be showcased. Websites and social media platforms are two locations. Plus, hosting companies store these recordings for a wider audience.

4. Immense Audience Reach

In reference to a more expansive audience, a podcast for a consumer business enlarges the audience that purchases its items. It reaches national and international regions it didn’t think the company would ever go. 

Furthermore, through various reporting tools, a consumer business has the power to see where its listeners originate from. In doing so, it has the potential to move its products and services into a larger market with concentrated promotion.

5. Establishes Your Brand

Every consumer business needs a brand to identify its services and ideas. Normally, it’s something intangible. However, a podcast removes its transparency and makes it real. The reason is the show’s host has the power to delve into the brand’s purpose and why the company exists.

6. It Develops Strong Customer Relationships

A podcast does more to develop strong customer relationships than a blog or social media post. It makes real the representatives behind the company and the products it sells. They hear the voices of those who are passionate about the brand. In turn, this helps increase the passion of the customers to assist the business out.

7. It Attracts A Different Level Of Customer

A consumer business tends to battle with clients that don’t stick around for long. This is frustrating because it’s the long-term customers who help maintain a company’s presence.

A podcast attracts this level of customer. Since it’s a prime education platform, those that want to learn more about the company and the industry as a whole continue to listen. The more this happens the higher chance that they maintain a strong customer relationship.

8. Promotion Of Industry Experts

A consumer business podcast isn’t an infomercial. It must utilize components to draw listeners in for long periods. One way to do this is to interview experts within the organization’s industry.

These are colleagues or other non-competitors that wish to offer their knowledge to the public. In many cases, first-time listeners tune in to hear these people, usually because they know them from another podcast. However, when they see the host display the same passion as the guest, it keeps them listening after the program.

9. It Fits Into A Busy Schedule

A majority of podcasts aren’t done live. Instead, they pre-record the segments for future broadcast. Sometimes, this is done several days or weeks ahead of time.

What this does is allows the creation of a podcast to fit into a busy schedule. A day or two are allocated to the recordings and edits. Then, they’re added to the calendar for automated release. Thus, there’s nothing to do save for promoting new episodes, and even that has the power of being scheduled.

10. It Has A Powerful Return On Investment

While it has the potential not to seem like it at first, a podcast for a consumer business contains a powerful return on investment. Since starting costs are less than a few hundred dollars, what’s given back in terms of better client relations and increased revenue is tremendous. However, this only happens if the business is committed to continuing the podcast through the peaks and valleys.