Who Will Manage Your Influencer Program?

Effective influencer marketing may start with one influencer on your side, but over time you’ll want to develop more relationships to better engage the diverse segments of your target audience.The more influencers you work with, the larger your scope of responsibility toward your influencers becomes.

With proper management, your influencer program can work like a well-oiled machine. Opportunities come, influencers stay happy, and audiences stay successfully engaged with your brand. If you’re not ready, however, you may struggle to handle these complex and time-consuming matters.

As you prepare to manage your influencer program, ask yourself:

  • How much capacity does your internal team have for taking on a pilot group of influencers?
  • Do you have any tools in-house available (ones you use for social listening, content management, etc.) that you can leverage for an influencer marketing program?
  • Are your agencies or other business partners able to assist for a nominal fee or even as a trial?

You will need to find the resources and staff to handle influencer program management in-house or hire a third party to help your program thrive. Our team is ready to help you determine objectives, build meaningful relationships with influencers, and track content across your network.

Another alternative would be to train someone in house with The Influencer Marketing Roadmap.

Download my free guide on 5 Things to Do Before Hiring an Influencer.

headshot of Susana Yee

About Susana Yee

Susana Yee is a marketing expert and a pioneer in the field of social media and influencer marketing. Her Guess “Color Me Inspired” campaign went viral and Mashable named it one of “5 Interesting Pinterest Marketing Campaigns.” Susana was featured as a social media pioneer for 2011 as part of eHow 100 on Shift Showcases Real Women Moving from Information to Influence, Driving Change in Their Lives and the World, Influencing and Educating Other Women which was also featured on Bloomberg andBusiness Wire. Recently Susana was featured on Thinkific sharing her knowledge about working with influencers in the guide How To Create An Influencer Marketing Strategy to Sell Online Courses by Elise Asanias.

Find additional podcasts and mentions of Susana Yee here.

Susana is a featured expert with the Atheneum Collective